M-Connect ER Solution
1.M-Connect ER Solution
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Time is the most critical resource in an emergency department. A connected workflow helps with analysis, and prioritizes patients more quickly, alleviating pressure on busy clinicians and emergency medical personnel, ultimately reducing patient risk.
The M-Connect IT solution provides a universal centric monitoring platform, which seamlessly integrates medical devices together, using a standard interface to connect with the 3rd party information system. It can optimize clinical workflow, improve efficiency, bring order to complicated tasks, help clinicians easily cope with the various challenges they face, saving time and in turn saving lives.
2.Unconstrained Transportation
Specially designed for inter-hospital transport, the BeneVision N1 Transport Docking Station provides stability for both air and ground transport, and its embedded AC power adapter ensures a dual source of power during transport.
3.Saving Time, Saving Lives
Shortening the total time from the onset of the disease to receiving treatment can significantly increase the survival rate. Saving time means saving lives.
Emergency transfers are frequent and preparations take a lot of time. M-Connect provides a simple and fast transfer solution, which significantly reduces transfer preparation time and improves transfer efficiency. In addition, transfer data is automatically uploaded to the 3rd party information system, reducing the workload of data re-recording.
4.Secure Access, Anywhere, Anytime
Benelink Module Integrates Bedside Devices
· Different brands of ventilators, infusion pumps and other bedside devices can be integrated into the patient monitoring system via the BeneLink module.
· All data from the devices are organized by patient, with a unified time stamp and patient identification automatically sent to the EMR, reducing paperwork.
· Decision support applications based on device integration, such as fluid responsiveness assessment, InfusionView, are supplied for fast diagnosis and treatment.
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